120+ You Are Special Quotes Your Specialness

Are you searching for you are special quotes?

Everyone deserves to feel unique, valued, and capable of achieving great things!

Our collection of uplifting “You Are Special” quotes offers a warm reminder.

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other

Dare to be remarkable, you’re already extraordinary

You make everything in my life better by being a part of it. You are truly special to me.

The real you is an infinitely beautiful light, that shines bright

Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity.

You Are Special Quotes

When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul.

Nothing is more beautiful than you, and nothing is happier than me when I’m with you

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own

The way you light up my life and fill me with warmth and happiness makes you so special to me.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

You are not one in a million, you are one in 7.7 billion

When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds. When we’re apart, days feel like years.

Don’t waste your tremendous voice writing messages in the sand.

If you’re struggling today, remember that life is worth living and believe that the best is yet to come. Remember that you are loved, you matter, and never forget that there is always hope.

Just the thought of you brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. That’s how special you are to me

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

If roses were not special weeds would not envy them.

You’re my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace

In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine

In life, there is always that special person who shapes who you are, who helps to determine the person you become.

When I’m with you, it feels like I’m home. That’s what makes you so incredibly special to me.

You are a limited edition, cherish your rarity

Never be afraid of being yourself. Be different; be unique; be a mystery. Always remember that unique people are the ones who changed history

The world is full of many wonders; you are one of them.

The water shines only by the sun. And it is you who are my sun.

Don’t waste your tremendous voice writing messages in the sand

You have a heart of gold and a spirit that shines bright. That’s why you are so special and dear to me.

You’re more powerful than you know, embrace your strength

If you don’t know your worth, people will put a cheap price tag on you.

Hey you, yes, you! You’re as special as a double rainbow on a sunny day!

I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you.

You don’t belong to the average. Extraordinary has your name engraved on it.

I never knew someone could make me feel as special as you do. Your love is truly one-of-a-kind.

To be irreplaceable, one must always be different

They know your face, but not your mind. They understand your words, but not your heart. They hear your name, but not your soul. They grasp your past, but not your future.

None of your scars can make me love you less

It’s easy to fall in love. The hard part is finding someone to catch you.

I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will be

You are the missing piece that completes my puzzle. That’s how special you are to me.

Stand out. Shine. Be colorful. The world needs your prismatic soul

Ignore those who resent you. Avoid those who begrudge you. Excuse those who envy you. Pity those who hate you.

You are extraordinary in your way, and that’s what makes you special.

Every moment spent with you feels like a blessing. That’s what makes you so incredibly special to me.

Be the star you were born to be, the sky’s your stage

Though you are a drop in the ocean, without you, the universe would be empty.

You’re special, not because of what you have, but because of who you are.

Be your celebrity. Chase yourself. You are worth infinite treasures of this planet

If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.

You are the sunshine in my life that brightens up my day. That’s why you are so special to me

Your vibe attracts your tribe, shine on your crazy diamond

Value yourself because you are special. Appreciate yourself because you are unique. Cherish yourself because you are exceptional. Love yourself because you are YOU!

You’re the reason why aliens keep trying to contact us – they can’t believe such a cool human exists!

Don’t sell yourself short; you are your best asset.

True love is rare, and it’s the only thing that gives life real meaning.

Your love is like a warm embrace that makes everything better. That’s why you are always special to me.

Never dim your light for anyone, keep glowing

A diamond is just another stone to one who is ignorant of its value.

You’re the missing piece that makes my world a masterpiece.

My love for you has no depth, its boundaries are ever-expanding.

To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed

You are the person that brings happiness and joy to my life every day. That’s how special you are to me.

Flourish; the world’s a garden, and you’re its most vibrant flower

You are not just special; you are the miracle that makes my life worth living

Just being around you makes me feel special and loved. That’s why I cherish you so much.

Keep soaring; even on cloudy days, you’re the sunshine

Your love fills my heart with joy and gratitude, reminding me of how special you are to me.

I believe everyone on the planet has their own thing. It’s a matter of finding that gift and nurturing it

I never knew love like this before meeting you. That’s what makes you so special to me.

Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else

You are as special as a rainbow after the rain.

Do you realize how amazing you are? You are special. You are unique. You are amazing. Remember that!

It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life

Every moment with you is like a fairytale come true. That’s why you are so incredibly special to me.

To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you are the world

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me

You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known and even that is an understatement.

You have a heart that’s full of love and kindness. That’s why you are so special and dear to me.

In the rhythm of life, you are the sweetest melody

You’re not just special; you’re my reason to smile every day.

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you

Your love has the power to heal and make everything better. That’s why you are always special to me.

Also visit: Romantic Flirty Quotes

Your soul is so boogie-woogie special, it has its own VIP section in my heart

You’re not just special, you’re my definition of perfection.

I would rather spend one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone

You are the person that brings out the best in me. That’s how special you are to me.

When you’re around, flowers straight up refuse to wilt

With you, even silence feels like a beautiful conversation.

Never compare yourself with other people because you are unique, special, and too much precious. If you compare yourself with others it will defame, degrade, and down you.

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction

Just thinking about you makes me feel so alive and happy. That’s what makes you so special to me.

The stars must be jealous because your light is way brighter

I never knew what true happiness was until I found you.

I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

You are the person that makes my heart skip a beat and my soul sing. That’s why you are so incredibly special to me.

Just like a vintage wine, your special-ness gets better with time

You’re special to me like a diamond in a coal mine – worth digging for

Your hand touching mine. This is how galaxies collide.

Don’t be afraid to go that extra mile for someone special, because that person will go the extra mile for you.

With you, I feel like I can conquer anything. That’s how special you are to me.

To describe how special you are would take a lifetime, and even then, words would fall short.

Just being you is a gift to the world, like the perfect emoji in a text

You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.

You make everything in my life so much better just by being a part of it. That’s why you are always special to me.

Could someone tell the bees that the sweetest thing is you?

You’re not just a part of my life; you’re the heartbeat of my existence.

A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself

Sometimes we meet someone and feel like we have known them all our lives

You are my rock, my refuge, and my haven. That’s how special you are to me.

You aren’t just special – you’re the limited edition everyone wishes they had

With you, every moment feels like forever in the best possible way.

Withdraw from talking about leaving someone behind. Just rekindle the friendship and love while you still have that moment together

You are the one that makes me believe in love and all its magic. That’s why you are so special and dear to me.

You were made by God and for God and until you understand that, life will never make sense

You’re so special, that I might have to break the internet trying to find an emoji that expresses it fully.

You are special. You have a gift like me. You see through people. You see them for what they are.

I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more

Your love is like a beautiful melody that fills my heart with joy. That’s why you are always special to me

God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile

In every heartbeat, I find your name. That’s how special you are to me.

I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one… you never give up.

You are the person that makes me feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world. That’s how special you are to me.

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something

If being special were a crime, you’d be serving a life sentence with me

You bring color to my world and light to my life. That’s what makes you so incredibly special to me.

The Cross will be proof of that – you are special because you are His

You’re the ‘autocorrect’ to my ‘typos’ – always making me look good.

Then you are here! And Joy is here – joy now and forevermore!

With you, I feel like I’ve found my soulmate and partner for life. That’s why you are so special and dear to me.

God loves each of us as if there was only one of us

You must be a magician, because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.

If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.

He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same

You are the person that makes me believe that anything is possible. That’s how special you are to me.

Don’t measure the size of the mountain; talk to the One who can move it

You’re as special to me as my morning coffee – essential for survival!

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself – and especially to feel, or not feel.

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